- Adjuvant Therapy: Treatment given following the primary treatment to increase the effectiveness of the primary treatment. Adjuvant therapy may be chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or hormone therapy.
- Adverse Event: A toxicity or undesirable effect, usually of treatment.
- Adenocarcinoma: Cancer that begins in cells that line certain organs and have glandular (secretory) properties.
- Adenoidcystic Carcinoma: A rare type of cancer that usually begins in the salivary glands.
- Aspiration: Removal of fluid from a lump, often a cyst, with a needle and a syringe.
- Benign: Not cancerous, does not invade nearby tissues or spread to other parts of the body.
- Biopsy: The removal of cells or tissues for examination under a microscope.
- Brachytherapy: Sources of radiation energy that are implanted directly into or near the tumor.
- Buccal Mucosa: The inner lining of the cheeks and lips.
- Cachexia: Breakdown of muscle mass resulting from rapid weight loss.
- Carcinogen: Any substance that causes cancer.
- Carcinoma: Cancer that begins in the lining or covering an organ.
- CAT, CT: Computerized Axial Tomography scan. A test using computers and special x-rays to create images of various parts of the body for evaluation.
- CBC: Complete blood count.
- Chemotherapy: Treatment with anticancer drugs.
- Clinical Research: A research study that evaluates the effectiveness of new interventions in people. Each study is designed to evaluate new methods of screening, prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of cancer.
- CNS: Central nervous system.
- Complete Response: Tumor(s) has grossly disappeared as a result of therapy.
- 3-D Conformal: Radiation beams shaped to match a tumor's shape. The shaping is accomplished by Radiation Therapy (3D-CRT) special equipment.
- CXR: Chest x-ray.
- Dentist: A health professional who specializes in caring for the teeth, gums, and oral issues.
- Dietitian: A health care provider who guides people in planning their food choices to ensure they get the proper nutrition.
- Diagnosis: The process of identifying a disease by the signs and symptoms.
- Dosimetry: Determination of the amount, rate and distribution of the radiation therapy.
- Drug Resistance: Failure of cancer cells to respond to chemotherapy.
- Dry Eye (Xerophthalmia): Dry eyes may result from irradiation of the lacrimal (tear producing) glands.
- Dysphagia: Difficulty with swallowing.
- Dysplasia: Abnormal changes in the way tissue cells look under a microscope.
- Edema: Swelling of a body part caused by an abnormal build-up of fluids.
- Endoscopy: The use of a thin, lighted tube (called an endoscope) to examine the inside of the body.
- ENT: A physician specializing in diseases of the ears, nose and throat.
- Epiglottis: The flap that covers the trachea during swallowing so that food does not enter the lungs, the upper part of the larynx or the voice box.