The many types of skull base tumors and conditions are classified by the type of tumor and its location in the skull base.
- Arachnoid Cyst
- Branchial Cleft Cysts
- Carotid Body Tumor
- Cavernous Angioma
- Cerebral Aneurysm
- Cerebrovascular Disease
- Chondromas / Chondrosarcomas
- Chordomas, Complex Aneurysms
- Complex Craniofacial Tumors
- Congenital Cysts
- Craniofacial Anomalies and Malformations
- Craniofacial Disorder
- Craniopharyngiomas
- Encephaloceles
- Esthesioneuroblastomas
- Facial Nerve Paralysis
- Glomus Jugulare / Vagale
- Tympanicum Head and Neck Tumors
- Hearing Loss
- Vertigo
- Menginoceles
- Meningiomas
- Neurofibromas
- Neuro-Oncology
- Orbital Tumors
- Paranasal Sinus Disease
- Pituitary and Salivary Gland Tumors
- Rathke Cleft Cyst
- Schwannomas
- Temporal Bone Tumors
- Thyroid and Parathyroid Disease
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Vascular Malformations or Lesions
- Vision, taste and Smell Disorders